Digital Schools

In line with guidance provided by the Nation Council of technology (NCTE), the approach in Scoil Chiaráin emphasises the integration of ICT across the curriculum, in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Therefore, ICT is not a subject or a curriculum in its own right. It is a tool that can add value to the teaching and learning process when it is used appropriately. The purpose of computer literacy is the same as all teaching and learning, to awaken and to support the development of intellectual curiosity.
In our school we believe that digital technologies should be used for teaching, learning and assessment across the curriculum. Digital technology needs to be an integral part of the teaching and learning in schools today. The management promotes a culture of collective, collaborative and reflective practice among staff (teachers and SNA’s) when using digital technologies. It is also our aim that pupils will have access to current digital technologies and we will match future investment to the learning needs of the pupils.
We endeavor to use Digital Learning as an exciting, engaging and creative medium for expression whereby the pupils in our school can create meaningful digital content as opposed to passively engaging with digital technology. We also recognise the positive impact that digital technologies can have in the learning of the pupils with special and additional needs and aim to harness this potential in our school moving forward. Equally teaching responsible usage of such technologies is also a priority within the school.
Scoil Náisiúnta Chiaráin Naofa,
Co. Kilkenny
Phone: 056 772 8393